Westminster Boating Base
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The Charitable Trust

The Charitable Trust

About us

Westminster Boating Base (registered charity number 299412) aims to provide experiences and opportunities for young people which aid personal and social development through participation in watersports so they may fully develop as individuals.

We are a recognised leader in our field for sports provision in London and unique in our ability to deliver this with an unparalleled social awareness of the disadvantaged young people in our communities.

Our accreditation from the Royal Yachting Association as a Recognised Training Centre and as a British Canoeing Quality Marked Centre demonstrates our professionalism, dedication and commitment to the delivery of the highest quality of watersports training.

We receive no long-term funding, grants or subsidies and rely upon our fundraising efforts, donations and other external support to deliver watersports sessions to schools, community groups, adults and young people many of whom are disadvantaged and hard to reach.

We have many volunteers who give their valuable time to help us in this worthwhile endeavour.

Donations to the charity can be given at any time throughout the year. All monies made from the hire of the venue go directly to support the watersports activities for young people by the Charity.


Who's who?


Dr Nigel Berman - Chair of the Trustees

Chris Sloan

Toby Watkin KC

Dr Gabby Bathgate


The Team

Adam White -  Chief Instructor






A Royal Yachting Association (RYA) & British Canoeing (BC) approved training centre, regulated by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA).

Trust marks