Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
This policy applies to employees, applicants, users, course members and other stakeholders of the Westminster Boating Base (“WBB”).
The purpose of this policy is to ensure equality and fairness for all in our employment and membership and usage, and not to discriminate on grounds of colour, ethnic or national origin, race, gender, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, marital status or family circumstances. WBB opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
The policy has five key objectives:
Key objective 1: Promoting an inclusive environment for all
WBB is committed to providing a harmonious and inclusive environment for all users, visitors and staff, and will not tolerate intimidation, bullying, harassment or any form of threatening behaviour towards any users, visitors or staff.
All members of staff have the right to work in an environment free from abuse, harassment or unreasonable behaviour from all users. Users and visitors are similarly entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Users and staff must treat each other fairly and honestly, and must not harass an individual, nor maliciously injure or attempt to discredit or injure the professional reputation, personal standing, or business prospects of any others.
Key objective 2: Promoting equality of opportunity
WBB values the diversity that people with differing backgrounds, skills, abilities and ages can offer, and will make every effort to challenge and root out discrimination if it occurs. WBB will endeavour to foster an environment free from harassment and unfair discrimination in which individual potential can be harnessed to maximise benefit to themselves and the water sports community.
WBB is further committed to increasing awareness of equal opportunities and to reduce obstacles to equal opportunities. WBB will monitor and keep under review policies and practices within the organization to ensure fairness and the promotion of equal opportunities.
Key objective 3: Welcoming applications from all backgrounds
WBB is committed to welcoming applications for permanent and casual positions from all who are qualified, regardless of colour, ethnic or national origin, race, gender, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, marital status or family circumstances.
Key objective 4: Supporting and developing water sports careers for all
WBB is committed to providing services and benefits to all users fairly and equitably. It engages in an actively training all users in order to support and develop water sports careers of users.
Key objective 5: Recruiting and promoting staff based on merit, rather than absence or presence of underrepresented characteristics
WBB is committed to providing an environment in which staff are selected and treated solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential, regardless of colour, ethnic or national origin, race, gender, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, marital status or family circumstances.
WBB is further committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst its staff, with the aim that each employee feels respected and able to work to their full capacity. It seeks to provide an environment that promotes dignity and respect for all, and in which individual differences and the individual and collective contributions of staff are recognised and valued.
For employees:
WBB’s Operating Manual contains information on equal opportunities, harassment, and the standards that employees are expected to maintain. All staff are bound by the policies and conditions of service contained within.
All employees, whether part-time, full-time, temporary or permanent, voluntary or paid, will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability. All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop to their full potential within the needs of the organisation, and the talents and resources of the workforce will be utilised to maximise the effectiveness of the organisation. WBB is a small organization, it is however committed to providing training, development and progression opportunities where possible for all staff.
WBB strives to be an equal opportunities employer. If, at any time, employees feel that they have been treated less favourably than others in relation to equal opportunities without reasonable justification, they should raise the matter with the Director, or if that is not possible with the Trustees. In the event that any employee has been the subject of discrimination by another employee in terms of physical or verbal abuse or harassment, they should inform the Director, or if that is not appropriate the Trustees immediately. The perpetrator of any proven instance of discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action and may be suspended or dismissed.