Westminster Boating Base
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Schools & Groups

One-off, a series or a whole school year of sessions in kayaking, sailing and powerboating tailored specifically for your group.

Westminster Boating Base runs regular sessions for schools and other groups throughout term-time. Some schools also do their GCSE PE Canoeing module with us.

What can we offer?

Activities include powerboating, sailing and kayaking. These can be accredited courses or just fun introductory sessions.


We can be flexible on dates and times whether it is during term-time, after-school or during the holiday periods.

For how many?

Usual group sizes for watersports are up to 12 for kayaking, 12 for sailing and 12 for powerboating.

Depending on the size of the group you want to bring we can run one or more activities alongside each other.

What's the price?

This is variable depending upon activity.

Contact us

Currently in winter season

The season begins on 01st April 2023. Kayaking and sailing continues throughout the winter on Sundays. Winter clothing regulations apply.

Schools & Groups activities schedule

March 2025

No scheduled activities found

A Royal Yachting Association (RYA) & British Canoeing (BC) approved training centre, regulated by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA).

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