Westminster Boating Base
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24 Jul tbc 0 places remaining

Youth intro to whitewater kayaking in France

29th July - 8th August 2024


10 days in the sunny south of France for whitewater kayaking!

Location: St. Pierre de Boeuf (Rhone Valley), FRANCE

Suitable for: Youth members age 10-23yrs who have paddled with us and discussed their suitability with our coaches.

Minimum ability: Eskimo Rescue and water confidence is essential. Please speak to your coach if you would like to go but are unsure as there is time to train you up!

Travel: By Base minibus

Accommodation: Camping

Food provided: All meals except food on the journey to France

Meet at WBB: Monday 29th July

Return to WBB: Thursday 8th August (late return)



£675 - subsidised by the charity from £850 per head. Please donate the extra if you can.


BOOK NOW with a £75 deposit


If you really wish to join this trip and may struggle with the payment, please come and talk to us as we wouldn't want you to miss out.

If you'd like to book but want to spread payment over the next couple of months, please speak to us (£75 deposit secures your place).


24 Jul tbc 0 places remaining

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Youth intro to whitewater kayaking in France activities schedule

March 2025

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A Royal Yachting Association (RYA) & British Canoeing (BC) approved training centre, regulated by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA).

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