Westminster Boating Base
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We're running a crowdfunding minibus project!

We're running a crowdfunding minibus project!

Posted on the 21st of October, 2019

We go live Sunday 27th October at midday!

We've started a crowdfunding project to raise funds for equipment - specifically a much needed minibus. Our initial target is £15,000 and we must reach it otherwise we don't collect anything!

This isn't like making a regular charity donation though - there are plenty of juicy rewards for your donation and many would make great presents for birthdays or Christmas. Some have limited availability.

Take a look here:



Why a minibus?

Our existing minibus was new in 1993 - that makes it, wait for it... 26 years old. That's more than two and a half times the age of our youngest youth members and older than many of our coaches! When originally purchased, with safety in mind, the charity Director chose seat belts on every seat – yes, they were an optional extra then!

Beginning life in 1993, this Ford Transit 15 seater minibus has had many a derriere on its seats as it has reliably transported our youth members, adults, instructors and volunteers to a plethora of kayaking and sailing events both at home and abroad over the years.

All of our trips are subsidised for the youngsters by our charity and many of these trips have been with a full load fully laden roof rack and a large trailer fulI of canoes, kayaks or sailing dinghies – in fact we’ve had 2 trailers in the time we’ve had this old workhorse.

It has had a good innings and has been well looked after, never wanting for anything mechanically - but sadly it's time has come. In recent times it has broken down a few times, last year leaving a group of kayakers stranded by the roadside in rural France. It’s not economical to keep it going so its time to say goodbye to our trusty steed and get a new one!

A Royal Yachting Association (RYA) & British Canoeing (BC) approved training centre, regulated by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA).

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