Westminster Boating Base
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We've purchased a new minibus

We've purchased a new minibus

Posted on the 19th of April, 2023

Dear Members

You will I hope already be aware that we have bought a new minibus thanks to a number of grants, generous donations and a highly successful crowdfunding campaign. It has taken a while to raise all the money, but we now have a 17 seat, air-conditioned vehicle which should be much more comfortable! It is a quantum leap forward compared to the previous vehicle, and we look forward to restarting an exciting programme of away day/camps for sailing and kayaking.

We have also received a number of generous grants to replace our ageing dinghy fleet with new boats, so more news on this in due course.

These new acquisitions are a significant upgrade to the WBB’s facilities, and we can leave the tribulations of the last few years behind us. Please make as much use as you can of our facilities and your membership, and do persuade friends to join not already members.


A Royal Yachting Association (RYA) & British Canoeing (BC) approved training centre, regulated by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA).

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